If you plan to start a hosting reseller business, you can consider reselling domains as well. Both the services can really make your brand-new company more attractive to clients, because they can acquire all that they need for their web sites from a single place. Thus, you can target more people and the number of your prospective customers will increase. A variety of website hosting reseller back-end solutions have the option to connect with a registrar company with the API of the aforementioned, which means that the registration process will be automated. Having your individual domain reseller account gives you additional control and will allow you to provide more efficient and better assistance for your customers. In addition, the price which you will pay for a new domain name is lower compared to what you?d have to pay as an end customer. A deposit is generally required for a brand new domain reseller account.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Servers

We give a free of cost domain reseller account with all the VPS servers ordered with the cPanel web hosting Control Panel, so you will have everything you will need to start your individual website hosting reseller business and will be able to provide both web hosting space and domains to your clients. Your account is generated with eNom, among the major registrars on the market. They support a lot of generic and country-code domain name extensions, which you will also be able to offer to your clients. You will be able to benefit from the fact that your account will be under ours, as a domain registration or a renewal will cost considerably less. We'll generate the account for free and you can quickly integrate it with virtually any billing platform which you intend to use, including the ClientExec platform, that we supply totally free with all cPanel-based VPS plans as well.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Servers

If you buy a dedicated server from us with the intention to start reselling your space, you will have an advantage over the competition, because we give an absolutely free domain reseller account with all of the servers which are ordered with the cPanel website hosting Control Panel. This way, you'll be able to supply over a hundred domain extensions from around the globe, which will make your company more appealing to prospective customers. The account that we'll give you will be with one of the very best registrar companies available - eNom. The advantage of using it instead of signing up directly with them or with any other domain supplier is the fact that your account is created under our own account with them, and as we use their top plan, you will not be required to make any deposits and you'll have the chance to register new website names at the cheapest possible price. The eNom account can be integrated with all common reseller billing solutions, including ClientExec, which we provide without charge with all of the cPanel-equipped servers as well.