Our PHP Framework Installer was created to assist you mount complete PHP frameworks for your website, with no setup on your end. You don’t need to look for the most up–to–date release of a framework for your project and dedicate many hours on downloading it as well as installing it. Now you have everything on hand right in your Web Control Panel, offered in a simple to operate interface.

Numerous frameworks available

Initiate your web project with a framework

You can find a wide variety of PHP frameworks on the internet which are rivalling to offer the greatest platform for your personal web sites. 212 Hosting Professional’s PHP Framework Installer includes probably the most preferred and frequently used PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Every one of these frameworks may be installed with a click and it is modified to the latest stable version consistently.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your personal PHP framework is just a click away

The PHP Framework Installer was created to run on the exact same basic principle as our App Installer – using minimum effort from you and also 212 Hosting Professional’s system doing all of the hard work instead of you. PHP frameworks are set up with merely a couple of clicks with no installation demanded by you. Everything you should do is choose the location of your respective PHP framework. That’s all.

We maintain a record of the installed PHP frameworks and you’re able to un–install each PHP framework that you don’t need with just a mouse click.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The best way to back up a framework

If your data is online, the simplest way to shield it is undoubtedly by maintaining a backup. You can expect periodic data backup for the cloud hosting accounts. On the other hand, if you desire to be in full control, it is possible to back up your frameworks at any time. We have created a clever system that enables you to make a backup with a mouse click.

There’s no limit for the amount of backup files you could make or on how frequently you may make them. All of the backups will be saved in a folder within your account. When you have available space, you may create as many fresh backups as you need.

1-click backup